Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Buddy's Early Thanksgiving

Buddy Fergurson was pretty happy this morning that his mom decided to apply hand
 lotion to her hands - right before she picked up her bowl of oatmeal.

 ~ A feast suddenly fell from the sky ~
Appearing on the floor right before his "very" eyes!  

Buddy and Kevin hope that a feast will magically fall from the sky before the eyes and into the tummys of many others this Thanksgiving Holiday.
  As rescue pugs, they know it's important to be thankful for all you have
 and to generously help those who are without.

~ two or four legs ~ 

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Storm

When Buddy Fergurson first heard about Hurricane Sandy approaching his town, he watched his mom run around preparing for the storm, but he really didn't know what to expect.

It sure a wasn't much fun, but Buddy is very happy to report that everyone at 
his house and in his 
neighborhood is safe and doing fine. 

 Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those effected by Hurricane Sandy.  Buddy and his family also urge everyone to support the shelter and rescue programs that are in need of contributions, and also the pet adoption progarms that will also be brimming with rescues in need of donations and  homes after the storm.